
    Workshop held at Tonda Junior High School (Activitie Report Vol.1)

    On November 7, 2020, Mr. Yabumoto gave a lecture at Tonda Junior High School in the Kinan, Wakayama Prefecture.

    The title of the lecture was “To Kinan people who create the future – Junior high school students who will be leaders of society in 2030 and can create the future and create new values.

    By viewing world contemporary artworks with 80 second-year students from the school, the lecture focused on questions such as “What is local and what is global? Why is this work of art worth several million yen? What is the essence of value? and What is the essence of value?

    The event was held in the November 10, 2020 edition of the Kii Minpo. “Becoming a person who can create the future of the region / Tonda online lecture” (members only)

    Kinan Art Week will continue its activities to rediscover and redefine the value of the region through the “power to look at the essence” of art.